Mexico point of view of Perez Stuart

* analysis of intelligence on México.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

New Yalta: Now Allocating Mexico




Just on 9 February for 65 years, ie 1945, this photograph was taken in the city of Yalta.
The image corresponds to a recess of the board held from 4 to 11 February 1945, the Soviet Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and American English Winston Churchill in that city. The host was the Communist dictator Stalin.

Accompanied by their respective advisors, the three - before the end of World War II - agreed the way to stop Hitler and how it would spread over the world, explaining that after these agreements, negotiations or agreements, half of Europe remained in the hands of the Soviet Union and nobody protested, annulled once Nazism.

The memory of these agreements, negotiations or agreements - a result of which millions of Europeans had to endure for more than 70 years remain under the yoke of the bloody communist dictatorships behind what became known as The Iron Curtain -, takes extraordinary force in Mexico, where history is repeating itself:

* The current leaders, movements and forces vowed to defend the principles and values of Western Christian society, bring down flags.

* Been there, trades, pacta alliance with the Socialists, embodied in the PRD - whose antecedent is the Mexican Communist Party - the enemies of Western values and Christian principles and advocates of euthanasia, abortion, contraception, marriage between same sex and

* It was decided to turn over part of the country the government of revolutionary forces through common candidates.

The Mexican ruling party, the PAN (National Action Party), is being used to engineer such delivery.

In a clear betrayal of fundamental principles, places the electoral triumph at any cost, over life.

FALSE "opposition" PAN
In a socialist ally

For example, although others have called them Catholics, visible leaders of the ruling party disowned God publicly and refused to defend the institutional doctrinal nature of marriage, by contrast, assumed a weak position, not compromising, the refuge beleid in the popular verdict - via a survey - and in a shaky positivist position which was immediately dismissed by men of the stature of Dr. Miguel Carbonell, who gave chair of constitutional law as both Felipe Calderón César Nava, both lawyers indeed.

That is, the "opposition" of the PAN and the government to gay marriage, promoted by Socialist PRD ally, was not solid, consistent. In any case, rather, seem merely cosmetic.

One of the central problems of the attitude of some PAN, publicly identified as Catholic and loyal to the Chair of Peter, is that not testify as such. This creates tremendous confusion among voters in good faith, that they themselves, faithful to the teachings of the Pope, do not understand how to defend life and family, for example, remain in the background for those politicians, who have negotiated its principles in order to defeat the PRI, the Institutional Revolutionary Party.

The treachery that is assumed through the PAN, ali ' "with the Socialists Andol same in Puebla, Oaxaca and others, by contrast, however, with the revival of the Catholic vote worldwide, as evidenced by:

1 .- The elections and referendums held in the United States.

2 .- The elections held in Chile.

3 .- The elections held on Sunday just in Costa Rica, who won both the candidate Laura Chinchilla, the National Liberation Party and who publicly demonstrated against the legalization of abortion, gay marriage and state secularism. She triumphed in no uncertain terms, contudente in the first round, was discarded as the "second round".

In Mexico, meanwhile, is cooking a "new Yalta", which is agreed, negotiated, remembers the depression of the fundamental principles for the sake of vote-winning character. Or rather, the "new Yalta" Mexican is a pact to divide up the territory, putting aside popular will and, consequently,   leaving out the PRI, which appears as the favorite among voters.

The PAN act as if democracy was an end and not, as is, only half. But precisely this act to the contrary, taking democracy as "the end" in itself, all that shows is - as we have already stated on other occasions - that in some circles "Catholic" has occurred profound doctrinal confusion that has led them to invest the means with ends. They have reduced the Social Doctrine of the Church to a false concept of "transition" to democracy.

As if the most important election victory was not the defense of life, for example.

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